Reaching, Failing, Reaching Again

I am a marathoner.

In less then three weeks, I’ll be running the New York City Marathon. This will be my 25th lifetime Marathon and my 10th New York.

I have always said that I will run forever.

Nothing has ever stopped me before. A torn Achilles? Nope. Stress factures? Nope. Other aches and pains and the like? Nope.

I just kept moving forward. (I did have surgery to repair the Achilles, but got right back at it afterword.)

Nothing ever stopped me… except… me.

Nothing ever stopped me, until I did. Or, better said, until I almost did.

Continue reading “Reaching, Failing, Reaching Again”

A Magazine Feature On… Me!

A New Jersey magazine, Autumn Years, featured a nice article on me for their Fall 2023 issue.

You can read that article on-line here or click the link below.

The article begins on page 44.


Thinking of Roman Times…

There was this idea trending a few weeks ago that men think about the Roman Empire on a daily basis. Many found this to be an amazing thing. Many wondered, aloud, “What could these men possibly be thinking about related to the Roman Empire? Why would people think about the Roman Empire today?”

Continue reading “Thinking of Roman Times…”