4.3 Miles… For Mark (I Miss You, My Friend)

My dear brother-in-law Mark passed away in February. It was sudden, unexpected, gut wrenching, and very very very sad. It still is.

My life, and my family’s life, will never be the same.

Mark was a special person, a true kind human being who did not have a mean or angry bone in his body. He simply loved everyone and he saw everyone as his friend. Mark didn’t understand unkindness. It made no sense to him. Literally. It simply made no sense. He couldn’t understand it. More, he couldn’t even comprehend it.

Mark considered me his best friend. And I was. And he was mine, too.

Continue reading “4.3 Miles… For Mark (I Miss You, My Friend)”

Never Accept, “Good Enough.”

You can achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Set a goal.
Achieve the goal.
Set the next goal.
Never stop reaching.
Never stop dreaming.

In 272 days, I’ll be running the Dopey Challenge in Walt Disney World.

Never Quit.
Never Stop.