Life…Is Good!

It’s been a busy few weeks.

It’s been a busy few months.

It’s always busy.

And that’s a good thing.

Life is good!

And I’m saving the best news until the end of this article…


I am excited and very happy to announce that I will be running the 2024 New York City Marathon in support of the Sesame Workshop – the people who produce Sesame Street (and so many other programs for kids). I have always loved Sesame Street. I grew up on Sesame Street and then, as a dad, raised my own children with that wonderful program as part of their young lives.

As many know, my brother-in-law Mark passed away a few months ago. He was 60 years old, but mentally challenged. Even as grown-ups, we both loved Sesame Street. I’m not a great piano player, but Mark and I sang many songs together as I played them (as best as I could) on the piano. We didn’t worry if the songs were good enough for anyone else to hear. We just sang… sang our songs.

I am honored to be representing and suppoting this fine organization. I hope all who follow me and enjoy my books, podcasts, web sites, and whatever, help support Sesame Workshop through my efforts.

Of note, I’m not running for Sesame Workshop to be part of the marathon. This isn’t a “help me run” campaign. This is, “I love Sesame Workshop and I am happy and proud to support them.”


In January, following the NYC Marathon, I’ll be running the Dopey Challenge in Disney World. This is a dopey thing to do – four races in four days: a 5K, a 10K, a half-marathon, and a marathon.

I’ve been wanting to do this series of races for over a decade. Now that I am retired, I can.

The only problem is that I’m getting older and it’s just not quite as easy (it never really was easy) to run long distances.

But I’m working on it.


As part of my training for the NYC and WDW marathons, I’m changing my running approach to maybe train a bit smarter. There was a time when I believed that running harder, longer, and more often was the way to go. And maybe it was. I don’t quite think that will work for me this time around. I’m paying deference to my age and achy joints. It’s all good.

I begin each week, usually on a Monday with a long run. I’m slowly building up the distances. The week of April 7, I reached 4 miles. The week of April 14, I went 5 miles. The next week I reached 6. Then, the week after, 7 miles. On May 6, I ran 8 miles. On May 14, I hit 10 miles. Yeah, I can still do it. I just don’t run the next day. I still exercise by walking, riding my bike, lifting weights, and/or playing baseball. I’m just varying the exercise and not running and running and running and running. I think this is smarter as I grow older.

I am then ending each week by replicating the longest parts of the Dopey Challenge with a somewhat long run followed the next day with a longer run. This has been working well. On April 3, I ran 4 miles. The next day I ran 5 miles. The next week I did 5 miles and then 6 the next day. This week I did 5 miles and then 7 the next day.

And then I take the next day off.


I’m playing baseball for two teams and enjoying every last minute. I pitch, still, and, somehow, I’m doing well, getting batters out and winning games. I don’t know how long this will last, but I’m loving every minute while it does.

I hope I never get too old to play baseball. It’s too much fun. I love playing. I love my teammates. I love that one of my teammates is my son. It’s all too wonderful.

I hope it never ends.


So many of my former students are growing up. Many have followed me on LinkedIn. I see their accomplishments and am just so so so proud of who these young people are becoming.

Of note – I started teaching in 1990, so, some of these former students aren’t so young any longer, but so many are still accomplishing so much.

It makes me so happy for them and proud to know that for a short while I was part of their journey.


I believe in always striving to do more and do better. I believe in attempting to do things I’ve never done before. My publisher has decided that my wonderful novel Scattering the Ashes will be made into an audio book. This is awesome and amazing.

Even better, I’ll be the voice of the audio book.

In late June, I’ll be spending a bunch of days in a professional recording studio in New York City being the “on-air” “talent.”


The last year I have been consumed by my project to write one of the most unique account of the Battle of Gettysburg. This project has turned out to be too lengthy for one book and it’ll be published in three volumes. I finished the second draft of Volume One a few days ago. Whew! I sent it off to a few readers and will be getting it to the publisher after their reviews (and my new edits) are done.


Best of all… my wonderful wife and I are going to be grandparents any day now. Of twins! Our son Ryan and his wonderful wife Tiffany have been blessed. Us too. Each time the phone rings we wonder if it’s THE CALL. We can’t wait.

I can’t wait to be Grandpa.

Ryan and Tiffany are going to be outstanding parents.


Life is good.


Life is great.

Look to the good. Find the good. Promote the good. Make good.

Share love. Be kind.


2 thoughts on “Life…Is Good!

  1. This is wonderful, Paul! Good luck with your training! We’re glad you’re on Team Sesame! Thank you for everything! – Shaquana


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