The End(y) Was Just The Beginning

When you write your own stories, you get to tell the stories the way you want them to be told.

And, because this is my site, and my story, I’ll tell the story the way I would like it to be remembered. (But, because I always strive to be accurate and fair, I will tell the whole story… it’ll just be shared the way I want it told.)

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Making Work Into Fun

Sometimes training for a marathon can be a drag. It’s challenging and often difficult to begin one’s day knowing that a long run is coming – an hour (often more) of strenuous exercise, out there on the streets alone, often hurting, sometimes painfully so. Marathon training is certainly not fun.

And yet, we go on day-after-day, year-after-year preparing for race-after-race, thinking, hoping , wondering, even decades removed from one’s prime, if this race, the next race, will be the best one ever. (“I wonder if I can set a P.R.?”)

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And So It Begins…

So much of life is a process. We work diligently to accomplish tasks, and once accomplish them, we set our minds to new tasks.

Ever forward. Never stopping. There is always a new challenge facing us – a new goal, something different that we need to achieve.

And achieve we must.

Continue reading “And So It Begins…”

Run Wyckoff!

A year ago, as I was running every single day for an entire calendar year, I thought it might be fun to also run every street in the town where I live – Wyckoff, New Jersey.

The only problem was I didn’t have an efficient or easy way to keep track of every single street and I figured this was something I would probably never do.

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