The “Voice Talent”

I have been told that I have a great voice for speaking.

I am often asked to read scripture in church. I have a daily radio column on WRKC (Wilkes-Barre, PA) where I read “Word of Inspiration” for their Radio Home Visitor program. I have been doing this for decades, remotely, from New Jersey.

I also have two podcasts…

I do a lot of public speaking…

And so forth.

But, until last week, I had never done “professional work” in a professional recording studio.

I have now. It has been a blast!

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The Best Books I Read in 2022

I love to read. My goal (a modest goal to some and an impossible goal for others) is to read 30 books each year. I figure that two books a month (and then a few more) is reasonable.

In 2022, I actually made it to 45 books, but, then again, well, a whole collection weren’t all that scholarly (as you’ll soon see).

Here, now, are the books I most enjoyed in 2022:

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Favorite Books 2017

I love to read.  

Each year I keep track of all of the books that I read.  My minimum goal is to read 24 books each year – or two per month.  I was pleased that in 2017, I was able to exceed that goal by reading a grand total of 34 books.  For a guy as active and busy as I am, that’s pretty good.  I also don’t count my own books in that total.  Any writer can share that they read their own drafts countless times as they write, revise, edit, again and again.

Now that 2017 is coming to a close, I’ll share the books I enjoyed the most this year with a quick note about each.  This isn’t the complete list of the books I read, but the ones that struck me, for varied reasons, as the ones I enjoyed the most.

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