The “Voice Talent”

I have been told that I have a great voice for speaking.

I am often asked to read scripture in church. I have a daily radio column on WRKC (Wilkes-Barre, PA) where I read “Word of Inspiration” for their Radio Home Visitor program. I have been doing this for decades, remotely, from New Jersey.

I also have two podcasts…

I do a lot of public speaking…

And so forth.

But, until last week, I had never done “professional work” in a professional recording studio.

I have now. It has been a blast!

Continue reading “The “Voice Talent””

They Are Wrong!

June 1, 2024


There is a common adage that one of the best things about bring a grandparent is that you get to say “goodbye” when you’re tired and give the kids back to their parents. There is this sense that walking away is great.

That adage is wrong.

They are wrong!

Today we said goodbye to our new grandbabies to head home after spending a few wonderful days with them.

Saying goodbye isn’t the best thing about being a grandparent. It’s the worst.

I want to stay with those little angels forever. I’m counting down the minutes until we see them again…

Saying “Hello” is what I’m looking forward to!