They Are Wrong!

June 1, 2024


There is a common adage that one of the best things about bring a grandparent is that you get to say “goodbye” when you’re tired and give the kids back to their parents. There is this sense that walking away is great.

That adage is wrong.

They are wrong!

Today we said goodbye to our new grandbabies to head home after spending a few wonderful days with them.

Saying goodbye isn’t the best thing about being a grandparent. It’s the worst.

I want to stay with those little angels forever. I’m counting down the minutes until we see them again…

Saying “Hello” is what I’m looking forward to!

My Newest Name (Just Might Be The Best)

May 24, 2024


Throughout our lives we are given many different names.

When I first came into this world, I was given a name – Paul Russell Semendinger.  Along with that, I was also a brother, a son, a nephew, a cousin, and a grandson.  The names came quickly at the start.

As we grow up, we’re then given other names including nicknames, and such…

Paul became, at times, Paulie.  Among the kids, I became Sem.  That one stuck with me, in various forms, even to the present day. 

When I became a teacher, I was very quickly, Mr. Sem.  Years later, as a principal, with a new degree, I earned the title Dr. Sem.  Even later, as college instructor, I became Professor Sem.

All great titles.

Of course, in the years in between, I started to become known by other great names.  I became a husband.  That’s a great name. 

And not many years after, I became Daddy. 

I have always loved being Daddy.  I cherished (and still cherish) the years that my boys were young and I heard that name countless times a day.  It was the best.  The more mature, Dad, is also a great name and one I also cherish.

But the other day, I was given a new name.  I can’t even think of this name without smiling and being overcome with absolute joy and happiness.  And wonder.

The other day, I became Grandpa.

And that just might be the greatest name of them all.