The Best Books I Read In 2021

I love to read. I wish I had more time each day, each week, each month, and each year to read. I learn a lot and am inspired a great deal by the written word.

And I love to keep lists (they are long lists now) of all the books I have read.

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A Selected List of The Best Books I Read in 2020

(A copy of this post can also be found at Start Spreading the News.)

I love to read. My goal each year is to read at least 30 books. This year I read 36 books. I am pleased.

When I read, I read. I don’t do audio books. I also don’t read off a kindle or any device. I’m old school. When I read a book, I actually read the actual book.

My reading tastes are somewhat eclectic. The subjects I tend to focus to most on are baseball, history, leadership/motivation, and spirituality. I also usually read a few novels along the way.

What follows are the books that I most enjoyed in 2020. (Not all are about baseball.) These are presented in the order in which I read them.

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Favorite Books 2017

I love to read.  

Each year I keep track of all of the books that I read.  My minimum goal is to read 24 books each year – or two per month.  I was pleased that in 2017, I was able to exceed that goal by reading a grand total of 34 books.  For a guy as active and busy as I am, that’s pretty good.  I also don’t count my own books in that total.  Any writer can share that they read their own drafts countless times as they write, revise, edit, again and again.

Now that 2017 is coming to a close, I’ll share the books I enjoyed the most this year with a quick note about each.  This isn’t the complete list of the books I read, but the ones that struck me, for varied reasons, as the ones I enjoyed the most.

Continue reading “Favorite Books 2017”